After our 4 days in the jungle, we returned to the city of Iquitos for a few days where we relaxed, ate some good food and made new friends. We returned to the jungle a few days later to stay with a shaman at a healing center. It was here we drank a medicinal plant called Ayahuasca:
Ayahuasca is considered by many of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon to be the Mother of All Medicines. The medicine reaches deep into the body’s systems and cleanses and energizes. It often provides a powerful kinesthetic and visionary journey and opens the mind and body to information pertinent to your life awareness. Most come away with a life altering experience.
It was a life altering experience and a deeply personal one. Please let Greg or I know if you want to know more, we are happy to share our personal adventure.

Arriving back in Iquitos after another 3 days in the jungle, we flew to Tarapoto, northern Peru. (The only way out of Iquitos is on a plane or a boat). In Tarapoto we learned that Gregs grandmother was very ill and was in the hospital. We decided to cancel our final leg of Peru, which would have us far away from secure internet and phone connections. We left the next day for Lima.
Over the next couple days, staying in close contact with Lille, we found that Gregs Mamy was improving and sent back home. Also during this time, I found out that my grandmother was also in the hospital. By the end of the week, to our great relief, both our grandmothers were back at home and recovering.
We are grateful.
Since we were by an international airport and wanted to stay out of rural Peru - we pushed up our arrival to Colombia. Next stop, Bogota.
1 comment:
Tu me tienes que platicar de tu experiencia con el shaman. Como es que lo encontraste. Mandame un email. Te estrano mucho muchacha!
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