Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cochambamba, Bolivia

Greg and I hooked up with a ONG (NGO) called Bolivia Sostenible to volunteer for a week in Cochambamba, hometown of Evo Morales.

We were both placed at an organization called CAICC, that serves children and adolescents who are abandoned because their parents are either incarcerated or have migrated to other countries to search for economic opportunities. CAICC currently aids 171 children and adolescents ranging from one to eighteen years old. 70% of these are children of incarcerated or ex-incarcerated individuals, while the other 30% come from low income families where volatile situations prevail.

We spent the first week getting to know the organization, it´s children and staff. Greg works in the big house with the administration and older kids while I work in the little house with the small ones, age 2 to 6. Greg is the superstar with his computer skills.....and I am getting peed on, literally. =)

Because of low funding (the government only gives food) the school lacks resources. The yard of the little house is depressing and dangerous. Beside the pile of rocks in the corner there is little else for the children to play with. Greg and I wanted to donate in a way that was lasting and we decided to make-over the playground in the little house. It was so important not only for the children but for the teachers to have a safe place for them to play.

Yesterday, along with one other volunteer and 3 staff members we tore apart the yard, clearing the rocks, piles of dirt and trash with picks and shovels. We painted the rocks to add color, turned a cement block into a stage, added a cover for shade and buried 5 tires halfway in the ground for jumping and climbing. The best part is that on Monday a brand new swing set, complete with a slide and see-saw, will arrive! It was a hard days work and we felt quite satisfied at the end. I promise to post some pics later, to show the before and after. Right now we are excited to see the kids reaction tomorrow morning!

Greg and I spend the days doing our proper jobs and then head off to explore the city before walking back to our host family´s home for dinner. Our host family has a comfortable home and we love the family. Tonight there is a party for the son whose birthday is the same day as mine!

We have a great set-up here and are going to stay a week longer. There is still so much work to be done at the centers and we are enjoying the people and the work. Next week we will visit the prisons where the kids live.

If anyone is interested in hearing more about CAICC or would like to donate money, let me know.

1 comment:

Martha Centeno said...

It's amazing how something so little can leave such an impact with those children! You guys are amazing!!!!

Martha Centeno